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Aug 9, 2017
Whiteville museum receives Duke Energy Foundation grant
The North Carolina Museum of Science in Whiteville’s Foundation Board Chairman Bill Thompson, right, accepts a $21,000 check from John K....

Diana Matthews
Aug 4, 2017
'fifteen under 40' brings accolades to young professionals
Nearly 200 people attended a celebratory dinner Thursday evening at The Chef & The Frog to honor The News Reporter’s 2017 class of...

Jun 22, 2017
County to extend time for purchase of G-P site
Columbus County commissioners were expected in a rare 7 a.m. session today to extend for another 90 days a June 30 deadline the county...

Jefferson Weaver
Jun 22, 2017
Whiteville planner no stranger to area
Whiteville’s new City Planner Robert Lewis is no stranger to the area. Lewis, 34, lives at Lake Waccamaw with his wife Andrea. His...

Allen Turner
Jun 19, 2017
Commissioners to pass budget, discuss economic development
The Columbus County Board of Commissioners tonight will pass a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1 and go behind closed...

Jun 8, 2017
Columbus Jobs hears Carter talk about Atlantic’s growth in Tabor
Columbus Jobs Foundation President Rick Edwards, left, and President Wes Carter of Atlantic Packaging. Atlantic employs more than 300 in...

Diana Matthews
May 22, 2017
City Schools’ Teachers of the Year Recognized
Whiteville City Schools teachers of the year for 2017-2018 are Katie Worthington, Bruce Ketcham, Heath Conner, Katherine Hyatt and Jami...

May 15, 2017
Down, but not out, after flood, Green anticipates reopening soon
Although a 41-year-old Fair Bluff native who took a big risk six years ago by leaving the security of state employment to open his own...

Allen Turner
May 11, 2017
Sasser recognized by Gov. Cooper for volunteer efforts after Matthew
For about a month after floods from Hurricane Matthew wrought havoc on Columbus County, Resident Superior Court Judge Douglas Sasser of...

Diana Matthews
Apr 28, 2017
Science museum hosts open house for towns seeking similar branches
The N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville was the site of an event bringing together representatives of other small towns that...

Diana Matthews
Apr 20, 2017
Ronna Gore county Principal of the Year
Ronna Gore lights up with excitement and surprise after being named Columbus County Schools Principal of the Year at the awards banquet...

Diana Matthews
Apr 19, 2017
Mason has built solid educational program from the ground up
Columbus County Schools named Fred Mason of Columbus College and Career Academy as teacher of the year. Mason teaches general...

Britney Nguyen NR Intern
Mar 23, 2017
Farmers consider hemp for crop to replace tobacco
As the tobacco industry in North Carolina continues to dwindle, farmers continue to search for alternative crops. Commercial hemp...

Mar 6, 2017
Inmates may make G-P site more, marketable
Columbus County commissioners are expected tonight to authorize Economic Developer Gary Lanier to use contract and inmate labor to clean...

Allen Turner
Mar 6, 2017
RadixBay a high-level IT security, coding center
The novelist Thomas Wolfe had it wrong, at least as far as Greg Lovette is concerned: you can go home again. Lovette, a 52-year old...

Les HIgh
Feb 20, 2017
Two prospects announced; DOT looks at rail study
The end of last week saw a flurry of business and industrial activity in Columbus County, not only centered around the former...

Nicole Cartrette
Feb 7, 2017
SCC touting free tuition in the fall
High School students across Columbus County can attend college for free beginning in the fall of this year. Those students who...

Diana Matthews
Feb 7, 2017
Chamber celebrates 80 years
The board of directors includes, front row: Amber Bellamy, Nancy Sigmon, Joan Ward, chairman; Rebecca Murphy, and Pickett Council Ellis....

Les HIgh
Feb 6, 2017
Columbus Jobs membership kick-off
The Columbus Jobs Foundation will have its membership kick-off event Thursday, Feb. 16 and celebrate the accomplishments of 2016. The...

Les HIgh
Nov 22, 2016
Commissioners will buy Georgia-Pacific property
The Georgia-Pacific plant, in background, is adjacent to Southeast Regional Park. The county commissioners voted to buy the vacant...
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