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Allen Turner
Jul 10, 2018
Fair Bluff gets $3.6 million for buy-outs, raising total allocation to $8.3 million
State officials announced Friday that another $3.6 million in disaster recovery money for housing has been awarded to buy out 34...

Jun 28, 2018
State announces $4.8 million in local Matthew relief, including $4.6 million in Fair Bluff
NC Emergency Management announced Monday that $24.5 million in federal and state funds will be spent to acquire, elevate or reconstruct...

Jun 27, 2018
‘Fifteen under 40’ class of 2018 announced; event is July 12
The results are in, and the class of 2018 “fifteen under 40” is another outstanding group. The outside panel of judges chose 15 young...

Jefferson Weaver
Jun 27, 2018
Lake Waccamaw bridge could be finished by July 4
The long-awaited link near the Lake Waccamaw Dam could be complete within two weeks. The project, a cooperative effort between the State...

Allen Turner
Jun 27, 2018
YMCA pool opens in Fair Bluff; Whiteville facility opens Saturday
A happy group held a ribbon-cutting at the YMCA swimming pool in Fair Bluff Saturday on the occasion of the pool’s official opening. A...

Allen Turner
Jun 24, 2018
Rezoning vote close on asphalt plant request
Columbus County commissioners voted 4-3 Monday night June 18 to rezone land off Georgia Pacific Road to permit an asphalt plant on the...

Allen Turner
Jun 11, 2018
Commissioners schedule hearing on asphalt plant
Columbus County commissioners Tuesday night at the conclusion of a budget workshop reversed a decision they had made the night before and...

Allen Turner
Jun 11, 2018
New county budget keeps tax rate the same
Columbus County 2018 budget

Allen Turner
May 30, 2018
Three census tracts in Columbus are Economic Opportunity Zones
Three census tracts in Columbus County have been certified by the U.S. Treasury as “Economic Opportunity Zones,” qualifying investors to...

Diana Matthews
May 30, 2018
County Principal of the Year seeks out exciting adventures
“My goal for this year is to try or do something new and exciting each month,” said Leslie Faulk, principal of Cerro Gordo Elementary...

Diana Matthews
May 30, 2018
CCCA graduate receives Golden LEAF scholarship
Columbus Career and College Academy graduated 57 members of the class of 2018 Tuesday in commencement exercises held at West Columbus...

Jefferson Weaver
May 30, 2018
Planning board may take another look at Malec
It’s back to the drawing board for Malec Brothers, at least from the perspective of the county commissioners. Citing public opinion...

Jefferson Weaver
May 18, 2018
Major highway projects gearing up
Several of the biggest highway projects in the county will soon be seeing some activity. Ken Clark of the Whiteville Department of...

Diana Matthews
May 15, 2018
U.S. News and World Report recognizes WHS
Superintendent Kenny Garland announced Thursday, May 10, that Whiteville High School had been named number 57 among North Carolina’s Best...

Diana Matthews
May 15, 2018
New county schools with traditional features
Construction on two county schools will begin “about this time next year,” said architect David Clinton of Szostak Design. Preliminary...

Jefferson Weaver
May 7, 2018
Whiteville hears breakdown of historic district survey
Whiteville is a prime location for several historic districts, according to a State Historic Preservation Office specialist. Beth King...

Allen Turner
May 1, 2018
Delco timber exporting firm will triple in size
By Allen Turner An Australian-owned timber shipping company that has been operating in Columbus County since January hopes to triple its...

Allen Turner
Apr 30, 2018
Jobs Foundation members hear good economic development news
Members of the Columbus Jobs Foundation heard lots of good local economic news Monday at their annual spring meeting at The Spillway...

Allen Turner
Apr 16, 2018
WDDC merger with City of Whiteville sees good response
The Whiteville Downtown Development Commission (WDDC) voted Wednesday to accept the recommendation of its soon-to-be-departing executive...

Jefferson Weaver
Apr 16, 2018
Merritt is leaving WDDC on June 30
Gene Merritt didn’t plan on spending three years in Whiteville. When he came to the city in October 2015, the theninterim executive...
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