The Columbus Jobs Foundation will hold a social as part of its 2016 membership drive on Thursday, Feb. 25 at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Whiteville.
The Columbus Jobs Foundation is the volunteer arm of economic development in Columbus County. Formerly the Committee of 100, the Columbus Jobs Foundation works with the Economic Development Commission and other groups such as North Carolina’s Southeast and the N.C.
Department of Commerce to bring new business and industry to the county, creating jobs and a better quality of life.
Rick Edwards of Whiteville is chairman. Memberships help Columbus Jobs in everything from hosting recruiting visits to upkeep of Southeast Regional Park.
The social, with cocktails and hors d’oeuvers, is from 6 to 8 p.m. RSVP by Feb. 19 at 910-640-6608 or salsup@columbusco.org.
Visit the group’s website at columbusjobsfoundation.org for more information, or to join online.