Residents, motorists and anyone who travels U.S. 74- 76 through Delco will have a chance Monday to review plans to improve that section of the highway.
The N.C. Department of Transportation will host a meeting at Acme-Delco Middle School from 5-7 p.m. to hear comments and discuss the proposed improvements between Water Tank Road and the Brunswick County line.
While there will be no formal presentation, NCDOT personnel will be available for questions and to accept comments about the proposed changes. Among the improvements being proposed are built-up medians, left-turn restrictions and U-turn locations that will help improve safety along the highway corridor, as well as the traffi c fl ow on U.S. 74.
Plans also call for improving the intersections with N.C. 87 (Old Stage Road) and at Cronly Road, and widening turn lanes in several bottlenecked areas.
Residents can also comment in writing or by email. All written comments and questions should be submitted no later than May 15. While the improvements are still several years away, the project is part of ongoing efforts to bring most of U.S. 74- 76 to Interstate highway standards between I-95 and Wilmington.
Project maps will be on display at the meeting, and are also available online at http://www.ncdot.gov/ projects/publicmeetings/.
For additional project information, contact Steve Kendall, NCDOT Division 6 Project Engineer, at 919-364-0673, or sdkendall@ncdot.gov.