NC Emergency Management announced Monday that $24.5 million in federal and state funds will be spent to acquire, elevate or reconstruct homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew, including $4.8 million in Columbus County alone.
The bulk of the money to be spent locally, $4,622,134, will be for 37 homes in Fair Bluff, 17 of which will be elevated and 20 of which will be totally reconstructed. In Whiteville, $188,254 will be spent to elevate one property and to buy out another property.
In neighboring Bladen County, $245,931 will go to elevate two homes, while $15.2 million will be spent in Robeson County. The Robeson County money includes $2,401,094 to buy out 18 properties in the City of Lumberton and another $12,863,089 in unincorporated areas of the county to elevate 20 homes, reconstruct 34 others and buy out 47 properties.